The Physical eSports Hub is aiming for social effect and economic success:
Social effect is created, as more people will embark on more joyful physical activities. This will increase physical, mental, and social health and quality of life and reduce sickness-related cost and other burdens.
Economic success is created through contributions to the build-up of a huge new market segment. Physical eSports is located right in the intersection of the multi-billion-dollar markets of sports, health, gaming and entertainment.
Main target groups include:
Gaming enthusiasts will experience a new, immersive, and highly attractive new quality of movement motivation within their own social and emotional worlds.
Rehab patients will receive rehab programs encoded in games and animations and therefore highly motivational.
Senior citizens will be offered safe yet stimulating movement challenges for their physical and mental wellbeing.
The working population will be addressed with Individualized movement inspirations right at the workplace, adapted to environment, work characteristics and sports and movement types.
Elite athletes will rely on attractive feeding exercises with embedded monitoring and new animations for easy grasp of insights into tactics and team-work.